Thursday 13 March 2008

Why the Old Testament

Here are some points from the second session of the Old Testament Survey titled "Why the Old Testament".



Why does the OT seem irrelevant?


1.    Its large size and breadth of the historical coverage

The New Testament has 27 books covering an estimate of 100 years, whereas the Old Testament consists of 39 books starting from the beginning of creation and covering thousands of years.

2.    Distant historical/cultural settings

E.g. Eastern Empires and family customs

3.    Moral perplexities

E.g. Holy war, multiple wives and slavery

4.    Unfamiliar/enigmatic style of expressions

E.g. Hebrew narrative: repetition to express emphasis, Solomon's expression of affection – ".. thy nose is as the tower of Lebanon.." - Songs of Solomon 7:4.

5.    Difference between OT and NT dispensation

E.g. Law, cleanness and uncleanness

6.    Inferiority of the Old Covenant

(Hebrew 8) The fault of Israel did not keep the covenant therefore God made a new covenant.

2 Corinthians 3: Contrasts ministry of Moses. The old covenant is a covenant of condemnation and is temporary, the new covenant is permanent is about the knowledge of God & forgiveness.



Why study the OT?


1.    OT comprises 77% of the Bible

If we claim that the Bible is the Word of God, should we not give more attention to that part which holds ¾ of it?

2.    OT deals with some doctrines more completely than the NT – i.e. more detailed.

Examples:     Covers attributes of God (Genesis, Exodus, Psalms, Isaiah etc)

                        Doctrine of sin – where it came from and its affects,

                        Satan and angels,

                        Eschatology: gives more literal interpretation

3.    Provides perspective on God's working throughout history

OT gives reasons for things & how it was developed – how things got to the way it is today

4.    OT is highly valued by Jesus and the Apostles

How many times the NT writers base/quote their arguments to the OT?

1/3 of the NT quotes the OT (that means 77% + roughly 7.67% = almost 85% of the bible is OT!)



Why Does the NT Value the OT?


1.     The OT continues to be God's means of spiritual enlightening

(2 Peter 1:1-21)

2.     The OT continues to be God's instruments of salvation and sanctification, leading to effective service

(2 Tim 3:14-17)

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